Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Building a Foundation for the New Encounter

In the middle of economic shudders and political tsunamis, we managed to carve out a few Saturdays to renovate the building at 91st Ave and Deer Valley.
With teams from both Encounter Church of Peoria and the Northwest Valley Church of Christ we are able to clean up the neglected house and prepare it to be the home of two cool churches.
With jackhammer and sledge hammers, plaster and tape, pipes and wires, and participation from ages 10 to 80, we have gotten to know one another as never before.
This project is the silver lining to the bad economy. Low real estate prices help us afford to buy the property, and lack of other good investments make our project look great to a key investor!
Next is some hard work, lots of prayer, and some fun as we create the finest small church in the Northwest Valley!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Moving Forward with Gusto

by Mike Garland

It's a deal! After a quick month or two of search and execution, we have closed on our new property on 91st Ave near Deer Valley Rd.

In partnership with the Northwest Valley Church we have co-ownership of the property. We will be, for the time being, two churches sharing the same facility. Until the new facilities are completed we'll continue to meet at our current location at 90th Ave and Peoria. And now the real work begins!

Here's the first draft (draft only) of our plans. Our first steps, though, will be to do a general cleanup of the lot and get our sign out. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why Encounter?

Encounter Church is a non-denominational independent Christian Church. Our vision is to be a church that makes a high impact for God’s kingdom by reproducing disciples, leaders and other churches.

Our mission and purpose is to Honor God, Impact people for eternity, and Mature them in Christ.

Honor God

At Encounter Church we honor God by living a submitted life. We honor Him through our worship, our service, our commitment, and our lives. The first priority at Encounter Church is that in all we do, we strive to Honor God.

Impact People

The great commission clearly outlines the mission of the church. In short we are to impact people for eternity. Encounter Church desires to be a church that brings people to a relationship with Christ.

Mature Them In Christ

At Encounter Church we understand that coming into a relationship with Christ is just the starting point. It is the beginning of a new life. We want to challenge people to mature in their faith and thus become leaders and disciples who reproduce.